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SEASON 1: MUSIC × FOOD – Ep. 3: A Yummy Bite of Music


BACH|Cello Suite no.3, Bourrée I (excerpt)
Mark Summer|Julio-O (excerpt)
MOZART|Serenade in B flat, K. 361, Gran Partita, 4th movement


For this “Phil Your Life” episode, our cellist Anna Kwan introduces you to her comfort food, also the most iconic Hong Kong food – Dim Sum. How does the soup dumpling share the complexity in textures and layers with Baroque music? How does shrimp siu-mai remind us of Bach, who’s regarded as the “Father of Music”? How do you compare the dainty and elegant Dim Sum to Mozart’s Serenade in B flat, K. 361, Gran Partita?


Watch below to find out!

Season 1: MUSIC X FOOD

The HK Phil launches the first season of “Phil Your Life” – MUSIC X FOOD – in four episodes. Hong Kong is a “Food Paradise” and everyone loves the taste of Hong Kong. By blending music with the iconic foods of the city, everyone gets to share familiar flavours, and hope they will all want more!

Phil Your Life

Phil Your Life



The HK Phil is excited to present a brand new programme “Phil Your Life”, fusing music with food, wellness and storytelling. This new programme is designed to brighten up lives in a light-hearted way by drawing the amusing connections between music and daily life.


Starting a new chapter of the partnership, Swire and the HK Phil join hands to develop new community initiatives. This new “Phil Your Life” programme aims to bring the general public one step closer to classical music and open the door to classical music for the new audience. The programme will reveal the vibrant, cosmopolitan culture of Hong Kong through the lens of the HK Phil musicians and their music.

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