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Symphony no. 9

Mahler $200

Symphony no. 9

Change of programme

Change of programme

26 & 27 APR 2019
Fri & Sat 8pm
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall

For ages 6 and above


House Programme  

Venue Information

Get Direction  


Available at URBTIX from
16 JUL 2018

Ticket enquiries 3761 6661


MAHLERSymphony no. 9Listen


Reaching the milestone of our 45th professional season, we are excited to announce a special new project – Mahler $200. All seats for these two programmes are available at a uniform price of $200.

Acclaimed as “A Great Mahler Interpreter” by D Magazine, Jaap van Zweden, Music Director of the HK Phil, continues the Mahler Cycle with Symphonies no. 7 and no. 9. In the Ninth, Jaap will reveal Mahler’s earnest search for love, hope and the meaning of life in his most deeply personal Symphony.


Change of programme

At the request of the conductor, the repertoire of the concerts will be changed from Mahler Symphony no. 7 to Mahler Symphony no. 9. Ticket-holders may continue use their tickets for admission according to the date printed on the tickets for the updated programme.

For ticketing assistance, please contact the HK Phil Ticketing Office at least TEN days before the concert date(s) (i.e. on or before 12 April 2019) from Mon to Fri (10:00am -12:30pm, 2:00pm-6:00pm), excluding Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays, at 2721 0132 / 2721 2332 or [email protected].

Thank you for your attention.

Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (4:00pm, 20 August 2018)





Other Activities

Free Pre-concert Talk






Time:26-4-2019 Fri 7:15pm-7:45pm
27-4-2019 Sat 7:15pm-7:45pm

Fri & Sat: AC2, 4/F, Administration Building, HK Cultural Centre

Speaker:Fri (English) and Sat (Cantonese)
Mr. Wong Chun-wai


No eating or drinking

  • No photography, recording or filming
  • Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices
  • Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance
  • Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work
  • Latecomers may not be admitted

    Stalls A1/2/56/57, B1-4/57-60, C1-5/58-62, D1-3/59-61, AA1-12/89-100, BB1-13/89-101, CC89/90 & HH27