Phil Your Life With Music
During the pandemic, we have been sharing our love of music and support for our community through "Phil Your Life With Music". Our Music Director, Jaap van Zweden, Principal Guest Conductor, Yu Long, guest artists and the Orchestra’s musicians have prepared a series of short videos to brighten up your life and keep us all connected.
To expand our inspiring campaign, “Phil Your Life With Music”, we have united with members of the community to present a timeless song from Hong Kong — “Beneath the Lion Rock” — to our beloved city and to everyone around the world, as we overcome the pandemic together.
Over one hundred people participated in the “Phil Your Life With Music — Beneath the Lion Rock” video, including musicians from the Orchestra and the HK Phil Chorus, the administration team, board members, sponsors, supporters, the Hong Kong Children’s Choir, and Club Bravo and Young Audience Scheme members. We have all come together to present this beautiful gift.
“Phil Your Life With Music — Beneath the Lion Rock”
Beneath The Lion Rock
Composer and arranger: Joseph Koo
Lyricist: James Wong
Original singer: Roman Tam
Publisher: EMI Music Publishing Hong Kong
Orchestral version arranger: Alex Tam
*English translation, for reference only
人 生 中 有 歡 喜
In life there is joy
難 免 亦 常 有 淚
and often tears are inevitable
我 哋 大 家 在 獅 子 山 下 相 遇 上
If we as one can meet beneath the Lion Rock
總 算 是 歡 笑 多 餘 唏 噓
there will be more smiles than sobs
人 生 不 免 崎 嶇
In life it is often rough
難 以 絕 無 掛 慮
and it is hard not to have any worries
既 是 同 舟 在 獅 子 山 下 且 共 濟
If we are on the same boat
We can all help each other beneath the Lion Rock
拋 棄 區 分 求 共 對
and leave our differences behind
放 開 彼 此 心 中 矛 盾
Let go of the conflicts we have with each other
理 想 一 起 去 追
and go chase after our dreams
同 舟 人 誓 相 隨
On the same boat we commit to stay with each other
無 畏 更 無 懼
If we are not afraid there is nothing to dread
同 處 海 角 天 邊
When we are together at the ends of the skies and seas
攜 手 踏 平 崎 嶇
we can all challenge our difficulties together hand in hand
我 哋 大 家 用 艱 辛 努 力 寫 下 那
We as one can overcome hardships and strive to write down
不 朽 香 江 名 句
the timeless story of our home
啊~ 啊~ 啊~ 啊~
放 開 彼 此 心 中 矛 盾
Let go of the conflicts we have with each other
理 想 一 起 去 追
and go chase after our dreams
同 舟 人 誓 相 隨
On the same boat we commit to stay with each other
無 畏 更 無 懼
If we are not afraid there is nothing to dread
同 處 海 角 天 邊
When we are together at the ends of the skies and seas
攜 手 踏 平 崎 嶇
we can all challenge our difficulties together hand in hand
我 哋 大 家 用 艱 辛 努 力 寫 下 那
We as one can overcome hardships and strive to write down
不 朽 香 江 名 句
the timeless story of our home
我 哋 大 家 用 艱 辛 努 力 寫 下 那
We as one can overcome hardships and strive to write down
不 朽 香 江 名 句
the timeless story of our home
“Phil Your Life With Music” Video Series